This week I have been glued to my latest read, Bringing Up Bebe. It has been a fantastic read. If you are not aware of the book, definitely check out the amazon summary and reviews. In short, American journalist ends up living in France with husband, gets knocked up, births a baby girl and begans to obsess and observe. Her findings are so interesting, she writes said book.
Without spoiling your reading experience, I will only share that I am so relieved that there is someone else that thinks that America mothers live life under such an immense amount of pressure. Pressure to breastfeed, pressure to breathe every single moment of their existance for their wee little one, pressure to be too damn perfect.
I knew I could not have imagined that. Author finds the same to be true in her comparison to the French mother who is proud to send her tiny tot off to the government run child care center, proud to have a coffee a time or two during her pregnancy, proud to say "my child took formula". Now, I am not saying that the French have it all right when it comes to raising their children or that I would actually move to France, however, what I wouldn't give to live in a place where everyone didn't have such an opinion about how I choose to raise my child.
Mommy friends out there - read the book and don't be afraid to be un-perfect.
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