Saturday, April 19, 2008

Summer Reading List

One of my most favorite childhood memories was going to the library with my mom and brother. I would check out as many books as the law of the library allowed. With not much to do in Brandenburg Kentucky, the library was quite a field trip and treat for a bored child on a hot summer day.

This summer, i am going to slowly chip away at a new summer reading list. A reading list that allows for a few new easy fictions, but honors the classics as well. Here is my summer reading list. Some i read as an adolescent and i am excited to read them again as an almost responsible adult.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird (repeat)
2. Slaughter House Five
3. Siddhartha
4. Peony in Love
5. The Great Gatsby(repeat)
6. The God of Small Things (repeat)
7. Ladies of Liberty
8. The Grapes of Wrath

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