Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hello Again

It has been too long. Just too long. After a long vacation from blogging, i am back. YAY!! If I have any readers left, please check back often. I plan on maintaining this blog atleast once per week. Feel free to visit my professional blog as well for more info on my new coaching endeavor.

So what will I be blogging about you ask? The blog is definitely going in a new direction. Over the past six months, I have become more and more involved in everything hand made. Plan on seeing more posts about my sewing, crafting, cooking, baking, and preserving.

I am excited to share with you all sorts of lovely stuff!

- Amanda

Find me on Facebook : Amanda Stull Saha

1 comment:

Designs by Jenai said...

I am still a reader! Waiting for blog updates. :0)

Hey I have an idea of a blog idea - you could feature the lovely shop of :0)

I have several photo's you could use. I started a blog awhile back but never really did much with it. I don't even know if I can get into it again. LOL