Monday, February 18, 2008

Comfy New Work Shoes - Trying to look taller without the pain.....

Get them at Nine West.

Monday Monday Monday

It's Monday fabulous Monday. Torrential downpours outside my window and i find myself easily distracted.

So i have been playing with my new camera right? Still experiencing lots of red eye and blurriness. I was looking for some photography inspiration last night and found these cool tidbits.

A $1 tripod that fits in your pocket.
Photojojo - Inspire yourself.
A special Photography project - Allison by Jack Radcliffe

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Life's Code of Conduct .. according to me

  1. Never show up to any place of business 5 minutes before closing.
  2. Always be kind to the person who gets stuck with the middle seat on the airplane. Make sure to leave them atleast one good armrest.
  3. Raise your children to say please, thank you, and yes or no sir (maam).
  4. Don't inflict others with your political or religious views (unless they ask for your opinion).
  5. Remember where you came from.
  6. Send thank you cards.
  7. Don't always play the victim - gain the power of personal accountability.
  8. NEVER wear white high heals or pumps or suntan hose- that's just bad.
  9. Don't be a snob. Mutts are as good as pedigree dogs when it comes to companionship.
  10. Recycle anything that can be recycled.
  11. Don't go to work sick to prove you are more dedicated, you are not doing any favors by spreading your funk.
  12. Carry breathmints.
  13. Don't ever ask when someone is going to get married or have children - ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
  14. When you visit someone's house with dogs and cats, don't ignore the pets. they are like kids to some people.
  15. When emailing, don't forget the salution and common business courtesy. Email is not the same as yahoo instant messaging.
  16. There's no excuse for cleanliness. Bathe everyday!
  17. Do not share your financial information - no one cares how much money you have in your bank account or how much your horse is worth..

Want to add to my list - COMMENT